Frequently asked questions

CranioSacral Therapy

  • CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a light-touch approach that can create dramatic improvements in your life. It releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction, and improve whole-body health and performance.

    Few body structures have more influence over your health and well-being than your central nervous system. And few body systems have more impact on your central nervous system than the craniosacral system—the soft tissues and fluid that protect your brain and spinal cord.

    You endure stresses and strains, and your body absorbs them. But your body can only handle so much tension before the tissues begin to tighten, and potentially affect the brain and spinal cord. Unfortunately, this can compromise the function of the central nervous system and nearly every other system in your body. CST releases those tensions to allow the entire body to relax and self-correct. Using a gentle touch, starting with about the weight of a nickel, practitioners evaluate you for strain patterns. Then they use distinctive light-touch techniques to release any restrictions they find. By freeing the central nervous system to perform at its best, CST has been shown to naturally reduce pain and stress, strengthen your resistance to disease and enhance your health and well-being. And because it’s so gentle, CST has been shown to be effective for all ages, from newborns to elders.*

  • CranioSacral Therapy improves your body’s ability to take better care of you. It has been shown to help a full spectrum of pain and dysfunction, including:

    • Migraines and Headaches

    • Chronic Neck and Back Pain

    • Stress and Tension-Related Disorders

    • Motor-Coordination Impairments

    • Infant and Childhood Disorders

    • Spinal Cord Injuries

    • Post-Concussion Symptoms

    • Chronic Fatigue

    • Fibromyalgia

    • TMJ Syndrome

    • Scoliosis

    • Central Nervous System Disorders

    • Learning Disabilities

    • ADD/ADHD

    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    • Orthopedic Problems

    • And Many Other Conditions *

  • A typical CranioSacral Therapy session takes place in a quiet, private setting. You remain fully clothed as you relax on a comfortable, padded table. Your therapist begins by gently touching various parts of your head and body to monitor the rhythm of the fluid that is flowing around your central nervous system. By carefully listening with the hands to locate areas of weak fluid flow or tissue motion, your practitioner can trace those areas of weakness through the body to the original source of dysfunction.

    Delicate manual techniques are then used to release those problem areas, and improve the form and function of your central nervous system.*

  • With a clearance from a primary physician, the integration of the treatment is highly beneficial even years after the original injury. Commonly reported benefits include a reduction in headache pain, decrease in mental fogginess, improved mental clarity, increase in cervical range of motion and improved feelings of well-being.

    Short-term benefits may occur in as few as one to five sessions, whereas long-term results may require more frequent or longer sessions. Recovery from a head injury is a complicated process that does not typically occur overnight.*

  • I am trained in Craniosacral therapy through the Upledger Institute. I also have 22 years of massage therapy experience and multiple levels of training through both the Upledger and Barral Institute under my belt.

    Not sure how to check that out? Go to and search for a therapist there.

    This is how to be sure that you are receiving educated and competent care.

Pediatric CranioSacral Therapy

  • This is a gentle hands on therapy that can help babes with a number of symptoms. Torticollis, Plagiocephaly, tongue tie, feeding/latching challenges, sleep challenges, digestion issues, and birth trauma to name just a few.

    It helps their little bodies and minds to reset their autonomic nervous system from ‘fight or flight’ to ‘rest and digest’.

    If resting and digesting has been challenging, this will be a lovely treatment for them (not that it isn’t lovely even if they haven’t had trouble resting and digesting).

    Babies’ bodies receive treatment quickly and efficiently - and because they are in rest and digest, it is not unusual for babe to want to eat part way through treatment.

  • Treatment is provided while your child is fully clothed. it is important to gain their consent (yes, that is absolutely a priority) and read their body language to know when they are done for the day. My table is heated and comfy - but if being cuddled is the best way for them - then that is what we will do that day!

    Generally I start with doing an assessment to see how their body feels and moves and then get right into treatment. It might not look like much but that is because the pressure is so slight.

  • I have noticed that 3 treatments will often make a marked improvement so I suggest that all new clients book 3 consecutive sessions, ideally with 1-2 weeks apart (if your schedule will allow).

    My schedule books up in advance, booking 3 treatments at the time of booking your first treatment will ensure we have the best ability to provide maximum relief in the shortest amount of time. If it turns out that we don't need the 3rd treatment, it is easier to cancel the last one than it would be to try to squeeze treatments in close together. (because of busy schedules)

  • I can empathize how difficult things are right now - so if there is nothing available in the next week or so, please put your baby on my waiting list online and send me a text or email message letting me know what is happening. I will always do my very best to find a spot for littles - especially with feeding/latching, digestive issues, or pain…. So please reach out!

    I make it a priority for my tiny clients to be able to get in as soon as possible.

    The online booking option is an amazing tool - but if I have room or flexibility in my schedule - it doesn’t sometimes know that. Don’t despair!

  • It can be helpful to watch at each developmental stage to see if any challenges arise, that a treatment or two could help with. Then just book back in to get a little tune up.

    What are the challenges that I’m looking for? That depends on what brought you in at first. Sometimes teething can be harder than it needs to be, or teeth are causing some troubles are they come in. Or walking/scooting/crawling is troublesome - let’s check to see if there is anything that we can help to re-organize to help them integrate. Or if the original symptoms start to slide backwards or new symptoms come up - let me know!

    Often little ones just need a few treatments at first to help with the trauma of being born and with any challenges their little bodies are having. But once in a while, we need to follow up a bit longer, and that is ok!

  • I am trained in Pediatric Craniosacral therapy through the Upledger Institute. I also have 22 years of massage therapy experience and multiple levels of training through both the Upledger and Barral Institute under my belt.

    It is important that your therapist has training specific to your child’s needs if you want treatment to be expedient and thorough.

    Not sure how to check that out? Go to and search for a therapist there.

    This is how to be sure that you are receiving educated and competent care.

*Information cited from the Upledger Institute.