Tannas McLaughlin

Tannas is a Massage Therapist registered with the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada (NHPC) for the past 23+ years.  

She began her career working at a pain clinic with a general practitioner MD and a chiropractor. She stayed with that chiropractor as the practice evolved over roughly a decade. Tannas then branched her practice into a yoga studio followed by a home-based practice for some time. Then for two years she worked out of a multidisciplinary practice in Sherwood park.  

She has gone back to her roots by opening her own practice and working alongside a team of stellar mental health professionals at Gail H Therapy and Associates in Emerald Hills Professional building.  What a lovely place it is!  Our main passion is with Veterans and first responders

To advance her skills and best serve her clients over the years, Tannas has added multiple levels of Craniosacral therapy (Upledger Institute) for adults and  infants/children as well as Visceral and Neural manipulation (Barral Institute) rounding out the trifecta for concussion and brain injury care.   She continues to use acupressure for headaches/migraines/stress and IASTM (instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation) in her therapeutic toolbox. 

Tannas applies knowledge and experience gained in her many years as a competitive and professional dancer.  She offers a mixture of deep tissue and relaxation techniques to access sore spots in a way that is more acceptable to the body. Tannas has found in her years of experience that melting through the tissues is more effective and tolerable than a no pain/no gain approach. She describes massage therapy as a form of communication between body, mind and spirit - touch connects us and therapeutic touch gives voice to tension and energy trapped in our soft tissues creating aches and pains or restricted movement. Her job is to listen mindfully and help your body to release what is not serving your highest good and integrate healing for long term relief.

Tannas describes her treatment table as a safe place to be heard. She strives to meet clients exactly where they are in a given moment to offer therapeutic integration and help work toward their health and wellness goals.